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Forever Clear (Acne)

Forever clear BBL

Sciton’s Forever Clear BBL treatment uses a combination of blue, yellow, and infra-red light to clear acne by eliminating bacteria, reducing inflammation, and promoting the body’s natural healing process.

WHO IS A GOOD CANDIDATE FOR sciton’s forever clear bbl?

From teens struggling with hormonal acne to adults experiencing adult-onset acne, this revolutionary technology can handle it all.

HOW IS a forever clear bbl treatment PERFORMED?

BBL® technology as a whole addresses imperfections on the surface of the skin, as well as deep-rooted pigmentation issues. During a Forever Clear BBL treatment, patients feel minimal to no discomfort as the provider gently glides the BBL® HERO handpiece across the skin. This will involve 3 total passes of the device over the treatment area.

The first pass uses blue light to eliminate acne-causing bacteria located deep within the skin’s pores.

The second pass uses yellow light to reduce inflammation and acne-associated redness to give you healthy, luminous skin while preventing new breakouts.

For added benefit, the skin then receives a third pass of the BBL handpiece using infra-red light in rapid, gentle pulses to initiate the body’s natural healing process, reduce the appearance of existing scars, and enhance the benefits of the first two steps.

Throughout this process, a sapphire at the end of the BBL® HERO applicator will keep the skin cool and comfortable. After the treatment, most patients will continue to feel warm for an additional 30 to 60 minutes.

RECOVERY FROM the Forever clear BBL Experience:

As BBL™ is a non-invasive and delicate procedure, there is no downtime. In most cases, the patient may return to work, apply make-up and return to the day-to-day routine immediately after the procedure.

Mild redness may occur, but it will subside after a few hours. The effects depend on the skin condition, the number of treatments and treatment area.

Our Doctors

Meet the Team

Dylan Greeney, MD, FAAD

Cosmetic Dermatologist

Schedule a Consultation

If you have questions about the Sciton Forever Clear BBL treatment, or if you wish to undergo a treatment, do not hesitate to book a personalized consultation with Dr. Greeney to review your options and see if this treatment is right for you! Call 812-463-4770 today.

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