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Forever Bare (Hair Removal)

forever bare bbl™

Forever Bare BBL is permanent hair removal. Unlike traditional hair reduction devices that apply energy one pulse at a time, Forever Bare BBL uses motion technology to deliver a low fluence in multiple pulses, protecting the skin while progressively raising the follicle temperature to the optimal level for hair removal.

WHO IS A GOOD CANDIDATE FOR sciton’s forever bare bbl?

Ideal candidates for Forever Bare BBL™ hair removal treatment include women and men who are in generally good overall health and are considering long-lasting remedies for hair reduction in virtually any body area, including regions such as the:

  • Legs
  • Arms
  • Buttocks
  • Bikini
  • Back
  • Underarms
  • Abdomen
  • Face
  • Ears
  • Neck
  • Chest
HOW IS a forever Bare bbl treatment PERFORMED?

The eyes will be protected with special shields or glasses. The feeling of warmth or slight burning sensation when the light is absorbed by the treatment areas is normal. The procedure may take from several minutes to half an hour depending on the treatment area and the type of the procedure.

Unlike traditional laser hair removal, Forever BARE BBL sends multiple, lower-fluency pulses at a high repetition rate for a safer, faster, efficacious, and more comfortable treatment.

The motion of BBL® technology allows for extremely even heating of hair follicles and minimizes missed areas that occur with traditional hair removal devices.

RECOVERY FROM the Forever BARE BBL Experience:

As BBL™ is a non-invasive and delicate procedure, there is no downtime. In most cases, the patient may return to work, apply make-up and return to the day-to-day routine immediately after the procedure.

Mild redness may occur, but it will subside after a few hours.

Our Doctors

Meet the Team

Dylan Greeney, MD, FAAD

Cosmetic Dermatologist

Schedule a Consultation

Dr. Dylan Greeney provides Forever Bare BBL procedures. If you’ve been thinking about a laser hair removal, call and make your appointment today at 812-463-4770.

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